GPS address: 6 West Main Street, Avon, CT (860) 678-0488
From Avon/Simsbury/Canton/West Hartford We are at the Intersection of Route 44 West Main Street) and Route 10 (Simsbury Rd., Hopmeadow St.) in center of Avon. We are the landmark white church with the steeple.
From Farmington and Interstate I-84 Take the Exit 39 (Farmington/Route 4) exit from I-84. Take the connector into the center of Farmington (golf club on your right). At the big intersection, take a right and proceed north on Route 10/Waterville Road to Avon. Follow Route 10 for approximately 6 miles until it intersects with Route 44 in Avon (Avon Old Farms Hotel and Restaurant on right). Take a left and proceed into the center of Avon to the 3rd light.
There are several parking areas:
- On the east side of the church (Route 10 side), are spaces across from the church near the post office. Take the first right onto Enford Street and an immediate right into the parking area. There is a pedestrian walkway and walkway crossing Route 10 which leads to short paths to the North Portico or to the front steps of the church.
- On the west side of the church there are parking spaces behind the shops and in the First and Last Restaurant parking area. Enter this area from any of the several driveways along Route 44 (West Main Street), or from Woodford Ave (runs from Route 10 to the back of First and Last). You may park behind any of the shops or in the First and Last parking lot during church services.
- There are handicapped spaces near the rear entrances. There is also handicapped parking in “the Circle” right along the east side of the church along Route 10.
- Spaces along the fence close to the church are ideally reserved for senior members of the church even though they are not marked handicapped.