When should I arrive?   Folks start to show up by quarter to ten. Children take part in the opening of the service and then attend lessons and activities after the Message for All Ages. Friendly ushers will greet you, provide a bulletin and invite you to sit where you choose.

Where are you located?   6 West Main Street, Avon 06001. We are located in the center of Avon on the corner of Route 44 (Main Street) and Route 10 (Hopmeadow Street/Simsbury Road) across the street from O’Neill’s car dealership. Directions and Map. 

Where do I Park?   There are several parking areas around the church. Please consult the Directions & Map.

My Comfort?  The Sanctuary is air conditioned in the summer as is our Fellowship Hall, Library, Crib Room and all children’s activity rooms.

May I see a Service Bulletin?   Everybody is handed a service bulletin by one of our friendly greeters before the beginning of any worship service.

May I take Communion?   Communion is open to all who attend services. We celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month and on special services throughout the liturgical church calendar.

Is the church handicapped accessible?   Yes! There is handicapped parking at both entrances to the Main Hallway. Inside, there are slight ramps from the main hallway into the Sanctuary/Meeting House. Advise an usher and s/he will guide you to the pews at the front of the church which have designed space for wheelchairs. There is also an elevator to the second story right near the Sanctuary entrance on the Main Hallway. The entire building, Sanctuary, bathrooms, Fellowship Hall and all meeting rooms are wheelchair accessible.

There are headphones for worshipers who are hearing impaired and large-print bulletins  and hymnals are available from ushers for those who are sight impaired.

What about my children?   Children are welcome at any worship service. Our Crib Room/Nursery is open Sunday mornings from 9:45 until after worship for children ages birth to 3 and their parent/guardians. An overhead speaker allows adults to follow the worship service while their children relax and play. The Crib Room/Nursery is located on the first floor Main Hallway.

Children aged PK through 8th grade come to church with their parents after the Message for All Ages, are escorted to activity rooms by a faith leader. Parent/Guardians are always welcome to  join their children for church school activities. While in the Sanctuary/Meeting House, special activity bulletins are available at both entrances along with crayons. You’ll also find fun ‘pew pal’ stuffed animals for kids to play with in each pew. Please ask an usher for assistance if necessary.

What about Safe Church/Safe Conduct Practices?
Our church has adopted Safe Church/Safe Conduct Policies endorsed by the United Church of Christ. These policies include a background check for all adults working with our children/youth and specialized training to understand best practices that ensure appropriate boundaries and accountability for all.

What do I wear for worship and church activities?
Come as You Are! About half the congregation likes to dress up and about half the congregation wears casual clothes to church. It is most important that you feel comfortable no matter what you wear.

How do I become a member?
While membership is not required to attend worship, activities and most ministry teams, the JOY of membership includes you in voting for important decisions that affect the mission, vision and finances of our church. It is the collective MEMBERS, based on our understanding we are all the Body of Christ that we rely upon for making decisions.There is no higher agency/diocese/authority that decides on how to maintain our church properties or to handle our leadership.  New members are received periodically (and joyfully) throughout the year. If you are interested in joining our fellowship, contact the Pastor or call or email the church office at 860-678-0488 or [email protected]

Why is worship held in West Avon in July?
As means to join in our shared heritage and Christian Faith, the congregations of Avon (UCC) and West Avon (UCC) join in unity for shared worship services. This means Pastor Chris is invited to preach at West Avon Congregational Church in July and Pastor Brian is invited to preach at Avon Congregational Church in August. The congregations join together for this purpose, modeling Christ’s call, “that we all may be One!”

What if my question wasn’t on this FAQ’s List??
Reach out to our office or to our minister and ask. We are here to serve our community and partner with you on our faith journey.