“God is not unjust; God will not forget your work and the love you have shown as you have helped God’s people and continue to help them.”
Hebrews 6:10
This is a unique ministry that serves all the other ministries. All of these teams are centered in service and support. Think of them as the fuel source to make all our ministries operate most effectively and efficiently. It is accomplished by not only supplying resources (our time, talents and treasure) but, also by constantly exploring new and proven spiritual pathways that will ensure the success of the church’s ministries.
Do these ministries dovetail with your unique expression of gifts? What other ways might we support the sacred work we do?
Support Ministry Teams:
Building and Grounds
Finance and Stewardship
First Friday Dinners
Human Resources
Internal Audit Team
Rummage Sale
Special Gifts & Memorial Garden
12 West Main Street Trustees