35 events found.
Coffee Meet-Up, Wednesdays at 10:00 AM at the Coffee Trade. Members and friends of Avon Congregational Church are encouraged to continue meeting, and to lift each other up in fellowship.
World’s Religious Traditions, Presented by Leslie Desmangles, Thursday, May 2, 10:30 AM – Noon - It is often the case that the study of other religious traditions deepens our own faith as it allows us to look at what we believe in different ways. These sessions review aspects of the world’s oldest religions: Hinduism and…
Tell your friends! First Friday Dinner at Avon Congregational Church is Friday, May 3rd, 5:30 – 7:00 PM - Join us for yet another family favorite, Homemade Meatloaf, along with Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Tossed Salad and our House - Made Dressing, plus Dinner Rolls. Don’t forget to visit the popular “Dessert Buffet”, which includes coffee and tea…
Save the New Date! – Our next discussion is Tuesday, May 7th at 6:30 – 8:00 PM. Drop in for compelling conversations!
Discussion Series led by Betsy Van Loon Writings of Henri Nouwen Thursday May 9, 23 and 30, 10:30 to 12 in the Library (Betsy will have copies of short readings so there is no need to purchase a book.)
Discussion Series led by Betsy Van Loon Writings of Henri Nouwen Thursday May 9, 23 and 30, 10:30 to 12 in the Library (Betsy will have copies of short readings so there is no need to purchase a book.)