John William Hamilton, Jr., served as pastor at Avon Congregational Church from 1940 through 1942 before he left to serve as an Army Chaplain in World War II. He was awarded a Bronze Star for “heroic conduct in connection with military operations against an armed enemy during the period December 30, 1944 and May 9, 1945. Chaplain Hamilton, through his efforts and personal sacrifices, aided materially in the morale and well-being of the command. On many occasions, with no thought to his own safety, Chaplain Hamilton deliberately chanced enemy artillery fire in order to minister to wounded soldiers. Always with the troops or at one of the clearing stations, Chaplain Hamilton’s warm personality and words of comfort were of great value to those soldiers awaiting evacuation.” The photo comes from Berlen Turner of nearby Mountain View Avenue, who donated it to the Avon Historical Society.