Who we are and who we hope to become…
We welcome seekers, questioners, believers, and everyone in between.
Committed to making a difference in our community, we reach out to those who need God’s love and support in tangible ways.

Open House at the Parsonage
To make bold stands – that is, to use our voice, influence and our resources – requires us to covenant with each other to ‘be the change we want to see in the world.’ It also requires a shared commitment to Open Hearts and Open Doors…or in other words, to be the hands, feet and heart of Christ in the world. This is how we add purpose and meaning to our lives.
We trace our roots to the Pilgrims and Puritans, who came to this country as religious pioneers. Like those Pilgrims, we believe “there is yet more light and truth to break forth from God’s holy word.” We are proud members of the United Church of Christ, a denomination of 5,000 congregations across the country known for its social justice advocacy.
We don’t have all the answers, but we do have each other as a ‘family of faith,’ a diverse people unified by our choice to share our faith journey together. We are an intergenerational church community, welcoming people of all ages and family configurations.
Our worship is infused with creative expression, celebrating art and music. Our preaching requires the engagement of mind and spirit. Our joy bubbles up in laughter, yet tears and soul-searching are not uncommon. Avon Congregational Church is more than a destination. Our sense of place offers sanctuary and safety to be our authentic selves.
And you perhaps will find this is your meeting house to encounter God too!
Tell us your story. Ask us your questions. We are here for you.
Pastor Chris